Be on time.
Treat everyone with courtesy and respect.
No cursing.
Bring a positive attitude.
Adopt a growth mindset. Always seek to learn and improve.
Wear clean training clothing and practice good general hygiene.
Alert staff immediately of any injuries, skin issues, or general health problems.
Pay attention and do not talk while instructor is talking or teaching.
Keep cell phones concealed for the entirety of the practice.
Never try to intentionally hurt one’s opponent.
Acknowledge the level of your training partner, and do not use excessive force.
Control your emotions. If upset, take a break and cool down before returning to practice.
Be on time for the start and end of practice.
Bring a positive attitude.
No coaching from the sidelines.
No videotaping any wrestling, and no videotaping any instruction.
It is the parent’s or caregiver’s responsibility to take care of the youth member outside of the practice time.
Try your best to get to know each and every wrestler in the room and build a relationship with them.
Develop a positive coaching style.
Promote wrestlers to dream big!
Continued learning and improvement in the areas of technique and training methods is required.
Cell phones should be concealed. If used to play music via Bluetooth, they should be silenced during the practice.